The Consumer Price Index is a measure of inflation and based on a basket of goods determined by the US Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS). This basket of goods may not be representative of your own buying habits, so I created this calculator that you can adjust to match your personalized basket of goods of items that you commonly purchase.
Enter in the average quantity of how much of each item you purchase on a weekly or monthly basis. Make sure to keep all of your quantities on the same time interval; for example, if you buy 1 pound of sugar every month, make sure that all the other quantities are set in terms of how much you purchase every month. If you do not purchase an item, leave it set at 0. At the very end of the page is the calculation button.
Enter Quantities of Items
The data for these calculations come from the US Bureau of Labor and Statistics. Not all items are tracked across every year, so if an item isn’t listed, I probably excluded it for having insufficient historical data.