Rank your savings rate versus the US population, based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. To calculate your Savings Rate Ranking, you’ll need to first calculate your savings rate. For this calculator, your annual savings are measured as a percent of your income. Estimate your total annual expenses + taxes (including SS) over your annual income. Your retirement contributions to pensions, 401ks, IRAs, TSPs, etc are considered savings, so do not include those as expenses. Further, do not include un-realized capital gains or un-realized mortgage equity, since the comparison group does not include those as savings.
For example, if you spend $55000 a year, pay $9000 in taxes, contribute $1500 to retirement, and earn $69000, you would calculate it this way: 1-($55000+$9000)/($69000) = 7.2% annual savings rate.
Savings as a Percent of Earnings (Drag slider or enter below):
Savings Rate Ranking
Your Savings Rate Percentile Rank : A savings rate of 6% ranks at the 36.93%US Median Savings Rate : 22.1189%
US Weighted Mean Savings Rate: 22.5%

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Savings Percentiles
For reference, here is how much of your income you would have to have to rank at certain percentilesTop 10% savers save 54.36% of income. |
Top 25% savers save 42.79% of income. |
The middle 50% save 22.12% of income. |
The bottom 25% save -19.28% of income. |
The bottom 10% save -105.44% of income |
Annual Savings Rate Summary Statistics
To give you an idea around the data that these results are based off of here are additional statistics from the sample population that generated your results. You may notice that the data shows that a large portion of the population is spending more than they save. This is potentially overstated due to many lower income families underestimating their income or not including all income sources. In addition, most households with unemployed earners or students will be in the negative savings category, because their reported incomes are low. You can read more on limitations of the survey data at the Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Expenditures Survey FAQ
Further, you can cross-check some of these results against the annual published result PDFs on the CEX website. One major change on the results here versus the offical PDF is that the offical results include retirement contributions as an expense. I do not agree with that so I re-ran the public microdata to separate retirement contributions (excluding Social Security). Retirement contributions on the results on this calculator are considered a form of savings. The Weighted Mean Savings Rate (excluding retirement savings) results match the official data, whereas the other savings rates are based off of the numbers that I adjusted. In addition, these updated results are based on partial year 2021 rather than a full year of data. Due to the pandemic, this will skew savings higher due to the unusual consumer behavior during that timer period.
Median Savings Rate : 22.1189%Weighted Mean Savings Rate (including retirement savings) : 22.5%
Weighted Mean Savings Rate (excluding retirement savings): 13.8%
Weighted Mean Income: $91,139
Weighted Mean Expenses (including retirement contributions): $67,010
Weighted Mean Taxes: $11,520
Weighted Mean Retirement Savings (excluding Social Security): $7,895
Savings Rates for the 25th - 75th Percentile Ranges : -19.2809% to 42.7882% of income saved.
These results are based off of 9814 individual household samples to represent 130421632 American households.The numbers are based off of the results of the 2021 Consumer Expenditures Survey by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. The raw data is public and can be found at the BLS CEX page.
aren’t the statistics provided by gov’t for saving rate a percent of disposable (not pre-tax) income? so if someone savings 10,000, makes 40,000 after tax, the savings rate is 25 percent?
Okay – here is my concern with your methodology:
If you do not fund your kids’ education then they don’t launch well and come back and need your financial help. So for us, with a kid in his medical residency and another kid who went to a top Ivy and is now making >$250K in tech . . . we invested in our kids and continue to invest in the one in medical school. We know so many couples with kids who are not really doing it out there financially, need help buying homes, buying cars, meeting the rent. You need to somehow figure out how to factor that in. We think our investments in our kids are going to pay a good dividend to us later: They will be very well launched financially with bright futures and little need of our financial help.