City Housing Percentile Costs

Springfield, MA

Housing Costs (Including taxes, utilities): $
Are you a: Renter
Home-owner with a mortgage
Home-owner with no mortgage

Your housing costs of $1000 per month in Springfield, MA would rank above:

All Households (renters & homeowners) 46.5%


All Homeowners 37.5%

Home owners with Mortgages12%

Home owners with no Mortgages 89.5%

Housing Cost Distribution Graphs

Median Housing Cost in Springfield, MA for renters and home-owners: $1,045
Range of 25th to 75th Percentiles: $682 to $1,547
Median Housing Cost in Springfield, MA for Renters: $899
Range of 25th to 75th Percentiles: $600 to $1,138
Median Housing Cost in Springfield, MA for All Home Owners: $1,263
Range of 25th to 75th Percentiles: $728 to $1,774
Median Housing Cost in Springfield, MA for Home Owners with Mortgages: $1,572
Range of 25th to 75th Percentiles: $1,226 to $2,005
Median Housing Cost in Springfield, MA for Home Owners with No Mortgages: $617
Range of 25th to 75th Percentiles: $489 to $783

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These results are based off of individual samples from the 2013-2017 American Community Survey (ACS) and are weighted to represent all American households; however, due to contrainsts in polling and weighting of the survey results there will be some deviations from reality.