Hey there, I’m ST; I run Personal Finance Data.com–formerly called Shnugi.com. I have worked at several Fortune 500 companies doing analysis (on costs, performance tracking, and prediction models), running projects, and making analytical tools to help coworkers do their jobs faster and smarter. If you’d like to contact me directly, probably the best way is through twitter@shnugi. My email gets pretty backed up, so it’s probably the worst way to get a response from me quickly. A couple of my favorite tools in my toolbox:
- Web Dev: PHP, Javascript
- Basic Analysis : MS Excel, MS Access, SQL
- Advanced Analysis : SAS, R
- Visualizations: D3.js, Tableau
How this all got started
I had been using Shnugi for years and years to store some of my throw-a-way projects that I didn’t know where to put on the internet, but that I wanted to share. Around 2014, I noticed that the personal finance tools were starting to gain some attention, and I decided to make the decision focus this website solely on that.
I am currently not interested in any guest posts or partnerships as my interests have moved on.
I enjoy your website and find it interesting and easy to use. It is not difficut to find income comparisons, but finding net worth comparisons is much harder. Yours is superlative.
When do you plan to bring the data forward from 2013? Just curious.
Also, I noted a typo in the last sentence of “About”: soley should be solely.
Thanks Dennis! The SCF publishes data every 3 years, so the 2013 data is the most recent. I expect that they will publish 2016’s results around Q2 of next year.
Just want to say I really enjoy your site. Have recommend to friends for the Net Worth and Income calculators. The market crash retirement scenario calculator is a fantastic addition! Keep up the great work!
Thanks for the encouragement Alex!
Just found your site as I said, and I liked it a LOT. Keep going!
I have commented a few times on your blog already, but can’t resist to tell you again that you have a great blog dude. I too like the Net Worth calculator a lot. Keep going.
I really enjoy this site. Particularly the income percentiles by age.
I have a question on income percentiles by age. I see you state your source for this data, but when I try to find those data sources, it’s aggregated by income buckets (i.e. the top bucket is just “Over $100,000”). This makes it difficult to analyze the top 1%. Where can I go to see the data directly?
Thanks so much.
You can download an excel friendly format if you go to : https://www.federalreserve.gov/econres/scfindex.htm
Then scroll to where it says “Summary Extract Public Data – Summary variables used in the Federal Reserve Bulletin article – all dollar variables inflation-adjusted to 2019 dollars.”
Under that there’s a link to: CSV extract data (3 MB ZIP). There’s some things you should keep in mind that each of the rows is one household and there is a weight, and then there are some other files on this page with documentation on the columns.
Thank you for showing me this reference. I wasn’t able to make sense of their data, so it looks like I’ll keep using your tools 🙂
hi Shnugi
Any update to personal saving rate by income after accounting for 401k contributions, as you ahve done 2-3 yr ago?
I can see what I can do it’s been a while since I’ve looked at this so it may take a while for me to figure out how to do that.
I have updated the results at: https://personalfinancedata.com/compare-savings-rate-rest-america/
The savings rates are based on 2021 q2, q3 based on what was available. The numbers are substantially higher than the previous 2015 values (+10% savings), and I believe that is mostly due to pandemic causing different spending patterns. I will try to update it in 2022, as it looks like this year is trending closer to pre-pandemic rates.
thanks, would be interesting as the economy is now not doing so well .
I believe there is an error for the amount required to be in the top 1 percent for age 79. I think the amount should have a 1 in front of it. Thanks
Hi, hope you are doing well. I have found your website interested and want to publish article on that site.
Thanks and Regards,
Lisa Jackson
My name is Clara, a young blogger and economics and marketing graduate. I am an Online Marketer and I would like to know the possibilities of posting a Sponsored Article on your website,personalfinancedata .com
I really think my work would also be a great fit and add value to your readers.
I’d be really happy if you could have a look at my request and discuss things further.
Best Regards
Love this website – one of my favorites. Keep up the good work!
Awesome work! I would be appreciative if you could update your data. https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/news/data-releases/2021/release-schedule.html
I’ve updated it to the latest 5 year for 2017-2021.
can you update your savings in the BLS report where you show what percentage of HH save x amount after essentials and things (you also include 401k where BLS doesnt? Hasn’t been updated in 5 years….thank you! Re. discretionary income.